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The Rolling Stones say that God exists
Vicente Galeano Benegas - 25- 11 - 2011

The stoniana culture comes from over 40 years ago, the story goes that the British Mick Jagger and Keith Richard were classmates at school,That until today revolve around the world with their creations, world tours, movies, documentaries,products, the truth is that even in the fashion of wearing this Rolling Stones to be brand of clothing.

The Rolling Stones, were passing stages with hard blows, one of them the tragic death of the multi-instrumentalist Bryan Jones.Or, another way of getting to know the spirituality. Then the largest band of rock and roll formed with Mic and Keith Richard Taylor on guitars, Bill Wyman on bass, Charlie Watts in battery,and its leader Mick Jagger in voice, and later Ronn wood instead of Taylor.

This british group exceeded circumstances of the world of rock and role, stated that many mistakes were made,noted obtain wisdom and vision with the time. What is certain is that it has become an institution that supports the artists to develop their productions. The institution also participates in other social activities. They have written several musical genres, in order to be as message that God exists, that the solution is to believe in God, have faith in Jesus our Savior.

But it's strange this sounds good, a band like The Rolling Stones that teach us this. It was always difficult to understand the messages of that culture stoniana, million said in South America or listen to it through all that are a danger, their influences came to be catastrophic, etc.

But it turns out that the Rolling Stones were not on the other hand, in its musical style are aggressive and their philosophy is full of art, spirituality, complaints, there were politicians, priests, entrepreneurs, narcos, war, all. The society and the media in Paraguay did not broadcast their compositions, as if they were censored and less could be understand by the language at other periods in the country.

Within the language stoniano, not all the verses are written the word God or Jesus, instead they are "Light", "Mysterius", "The ligth", "Cross", "Praised", "Saving Grace", "Love" "Paradise" "Sway" and other terms.

The list of creations of the Stones giving messages of spirituality are many, I can also mention to Jagger in his songs as soloist in "Dancing in the starlight", "God gave me everything".And of the group, the topic "Saint of me" (a saint of my) contains strong response and controversial, this comparison we all think, when or if this happens, by my cannot leave a believer, or, if God exists as it is that this happens.There are also the stanzas that emit messages referring to Almighty God, in the themes "Heaven", "shine a light", "Far Away Eyes", and other successes.

The stones, and they have an item that is entitled "Blinded by Raimbow" (blinded by the Rainbow) .In this great creation of "Blinded by Raimbow", Mick Jagger starts asking,
"Have you ever felt the pain that he felt on the cross? "
"don't dream at night?"
" How do you sleep at night? "
" I doubt it"

Mick Jagger is an ascended master , also a medium. Jagger tells us what this music is true, when you're sleeping on your chest,your face are spirits, not let you sleep , it seems incredible but true , I also realized that so, you also prune check talking to professionals,or priests, spiritualists , who can advise you of many mysteries we do not know.We inform you of any issue less than spirituality. If you are looking for that information, you will meet and compare truths.

Be realistic, for the stones is the first thing, the stanzas of "Blinded by Raimbow" defines, "What is your hidden fear?"
Do you think about the paradise as something lost"
"Yes, these blinded by rainbows"
"Do you smell the fear?

Many people think that after committing errors, it can no longer correct, Jagger says that this is not the case, that the truth is another, with the faith can be everything. And lunge in another verse singing, Jagger is telling us that the spirits not only are they feel, or you can hear, but they can be smell.

The melody of "Blinded by Raimbow" is one of the best obtained by the greatest band of rock and role, Jagger before end of this musical theme fully lifted his claim when said singing,
"Can you see the light."
"Look at the face of Jesus".

Jagger has visions, such as these that are impregnated with "Blinded by Raimbow". End The Rolling Stones are musicians who are hovering in the mysticism. And inside my wisdom, after check great part of the spiritual world, I can assure you that Jesus comes from within a heavily powerful light, he is light.

"Blinded By Raimbow"


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